bless you, and keep you - protect you, sustain you, and guard you;
The LORD make his face shine upon you - with favour
and be gracious to you - surrounding you with loving-kindness;
The LORD lift up his countenance upon you - with divine approval
and give you peace - a tranquil heart and life
amen - so be it.
May His favour be upon you - His rich blessing over you
and a thousand generations of your family - He is faithful, keeping His promises
May His presence - His Spirit that empowers, comforts and brings revelation,
go before you, behind you, and beside you - all around you,
and within you. He is with you - always with you, never alone.
In the morning, in the evening - in every moment of time, now and forever,
in your coming and your going - in everything that you do,
in your weeping and rejoicing - in all that you feel,
He is for you - with love that is strong and never ceasing,
amen - [we agree and receive] so be it”.
Inspired by the word of God:
‘The Blessing’, Bible verses: Numbers 6:24-26, Deuteronomy 7:9, 31:8 Psalm 121:8, Romans 8:39